
Monday, September 30, 2019

Outline and Assess Different Measures of Crime and Deviance

When measuring crime and deviance sociologists use three different means, those are official statistics, self-report studies and victim surveys. These methods of collecting data have both strong points and weak points, but by combining them a possible general picture of crime and deviance could be drawn. The sociological theories have varying perspectives on the usefulness of generating measurable crime statistics and the validity of each method. Firstly official statistics are compiled and then published every 6 months by the Home Office, and are drawn from records kept by the police and other official agencies. But due to the fact that official statistics are only compiled from crime that has been reported leading to someone being charged and convicted of that crime those crimes that go unreported are obviously not included. By use of official statistics we can see trends in crime throughout history, which crime rates are rising and which are falling and from that starting point we can work out the reasons for this change. In my opinion though official statistics may not be able to cover every crime as not all is recorded it can still gives us a starting point when looking for crime trends and the sociological reasons behind that. For example we can see through looking at the downloadable PDF Social Trends 40 that crimes such as theft, vandalism and household crime have increased from last year and through further statistics we can see that gang activity has also increased we can then put two and two together to show us why these crimes are increasing through use of the official statistics. Feminists would argue that crimes that stereotypically affect women (such as domestic abuse or rape) are not covered in these statistics, as the women are too embarrassed or scared to come forward. As a result of this, feminists believe the statistics are not a realistic reflection on domestic or spousal abuse rates as the husbands or boyfriends are not being brought to justice. Similarly Marxists would argue that official statistics are incorrect but the Marxists argue that there wrong due to the fact that the bourgeoisie have manipulated them to create scapegoats. By creating scapegoats of the working classes the bourgeoisie can divide the proletariat making it easier for the capitalists to continue controlling them. Furthermore the under class are more strictly policed than the oppressive ruling class and therefore it looks on statistics that the working class are more prone to crime. This argument, like most of Marxism, is slightly reductionist as not every sociological issue can be so easily simplified to just the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat or capitalisms greed. The second method used to measure crime and deviance is a self-report study. A self report study would be a survey which would interview a number of people on their relationship with crime, this would be done through either an opportunity sample or through volunteers and the interview would most likely be structured or semi-structured. The usefulness of a self-report study is that it could reveal what are seen as ‘victimless crimes’ (such as drug use or under age drinking etc. ) or crimes that go unreported. This would then be able to compensate for the official statistics lack of these crimes, and then by combining the two give us a broader picture of crime in the UK. Another advantage of a self report study is that we can not only learn what crimes people commit but also we can see what age, ethnicity or social class there in showing us what members of our society are more likely to commit a certain crime. But by using a self-report study demand characteristics and socially desirable answers come into play. Because in contrast to the official statistics which are gathered from data which can be presumed to be true, self report studies rely on face-to-face interviews which gives people the opportunity to lie or to give an answer which they believe the interviewer will find pleasing. But this method does yield results, for example Bilton was able to show that 50 to 90% of the people he interviewed had committed a crime that could have landed them in court. This use of the self-report study helps us to see how much crime goes unreported or unnoticed and therefore how unrealistic the official crime statistics actually are. Similarly West and Farrington, who also did a self report study but on deviance rather than crime, found that a high percentage of those interviewed had engaged in, what society perceives as, a deviant. For example they found that 90% of interviewees admitted to having travelled on a train without a ticket, also 82% had broken a window of an empty house. But also West and Farmington’s study found that like Biltons the official statistics had missed out all crime – this is obvious as 40% admitted to stolen something from a shop and of that 40% only 8. % had been prosecuted of it. Victim surveys are the opposite to self report studies as instead of being asked about crimes you’ve committed a person is asked whether they have ever been a victim of crime, samples are taken on either a large scale (nationally) or on a small scale (locally). Through victim surveys, especially large ones such as the British Crime Survey, we are able to see any pattern or trends in victi misation that we wouldn’t have been able to see in the previous two methods. Victim surveys can show us if any race, age, social class or genders are more likely to targeted for a specific crime. Jock Young, a New Left Realist, did the first victim survey in Islington, it was able to show that the reason residents feared leaving the house was of the violent gangs committing crime and threatening those who tried to stop it. Victim surveys are able to provide the interviewee without a great deal of confidence as they can remain completely anonymous if they choose, in theory this should eliminate people being too scared or too embarrassed to admit to being a victim of crime. But this is not always the case, some people might find it too hard to admit to even themselves that they’ve been a victim of a crime, especially crimes such as rape or abuse. This altering of the truth is different from that seen sometimes in self-report studies as those lies are usually told to make the interviewee feel better or harder about them self (as nowadays committing crime is seen as ‘cool’ especially among youths). Similarly to official statistics Feminists would argue that lack of women admitting to being victims of sexual or physical abuse is due to the patriarchal society we live in and the male dominance seen throughout it. But victim surveys could be seen as possibly unreliable as, unlike in official statistics, experts do not do the categorization of crimes it is the interviewers themselves who may be skilled sociologists but are not trained specifically in the act of categorizing crime. This means that similar crimes can not be compared with the statistics as there may have been confusion over the classification; thus making it difficult to measure the crime. In my opinion the most logical way in which we should use the measures of crime and deviance is by using all of them together, instead of separately. Through this we will get a broader and clearer picture of crime in the UK as each method covers various holes in the other methods data. For example the official statistics may give us data on the reported crimes there is no way of knowing how many crimes go unreported, but through self-report studies can begin to see a general figure of unreported crimes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Howard Zinn Chapter 13 Analysis Essay

Zinn opens chapter with the recognition that â€Å"war and jingoism might postpone, but could not fully suppress, the class anger that came from the realities of ordinary life†. Despite the brief interlude that momentarily quelled class conflict, the issues at home had never been resolved and resurfaced with a vengeance. More and more writers were writing from a Socialist mindset: Upton Sinclair published The Jungle in 1906, as a commentary on Chicago’s meatpacking industry. In writing the book, Sinclair was influenced by writers like Jack London, a Socialist who had grown up in poverty in the Bay Area. London publish The Iron Heel in 1906, warning Americans about fascism and indicts the capitalist system† In the face of the facts that modern man lives more wretchedly than the cave-man, and that his producing power is a thousand times greater than that of the cave-man, no other conclusion is possible than that the capitalist class has mismanaged criminally and sel fishly mismanaged†. Even an exiled Henry James condemned the U.S. when he visited in 1904. The corrupt actions of the American government and business elite were on the lips of activists, writers, and artists around the world Socialism couldn’t help but spread. One of the most notable labor incidents in this era occurred at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. New York had more than 500 garment factories, mostly staffed by women, and the conditions in all were equally as deplorable. In the winter of 1909, women at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. organized a strike, they were doubtful that many more than 3,000 women would turn out with the cold weather and not all the factories participating, but more than 20,000 showed up. The recently organized Ladies Garment Workers Union was growing by the thousand every day. The strike went on through the winter, despite police, arrests, scabs and prison.† In more than three hundred shops, workers won their demands. Women now became officials in the union. However, the conditions of the factories themselves did not change all that much, and on the afternoon of March 25, 1911, a fire broke out at the TS Company on the 8th-9th floors too high for fire ladders to reach. The factory doors had also been locked to manage workers, which was against the law. In fact, TS Co. broke several safety codes, ultimately causing their female employees to be trapped and burned to death†146 Triangle workers, mostly women, were burned or crushed to death†. These were not the only tragedies† in the year 1904, 27,000 workers were killed on the job†. Millions of workers toiled in dangerous conditions to fatten bank accounts of the wealthy. Zinn keeps the starting numbers coming: â€Å"In 1914, 35,000 workers were killed in industrial accidents and 700,000 injured. The women’s movement of the time was an interesting one, with women often divided between suffragism and socialism. Many women were skeptical of the suffrage movement and spoke out on other issues. Margaret Sanger was one of the first women to speak out about birth control† No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her own body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose conscientiously whether she will or will not be a mother†. Emma Goldman believed the suffrage movement to be a waste of time, noting, â€Å"Every inch of ground has gained has been through constant fight, a ceaseless struggle for self-assertion, and not through suffrage. Her development, her freedom, her independence, must come from and through her only that, and not the ballot, will set women free†. Helen Keller also believed in this â€Å"struggle outside the ballot box† these women wanted something more immediate and direct than the vote. This is an issue with I am constantly torn. There is something so simple and almost beautiful in a people voting and deciding as a group can’t we just vote our way to utopia? However, when you think about the politics behind what even ends up on a ballot, you can start to feel powerless, and the vote meaningless; I understand why these women would want to fight for something greater. Zinn touches on demands and protests to end child labor, before moving on to the deteriorating situation for blacks across the nation, or what he calls â€Å"the low point†. Blacks were being beaten, lynched, murdered and the government sat by and did nothing. But what surprised me is that â€Å"the Socialist party did not go much out of its way to act on the race question† either. One member wrote about Debs, â€Å"he always insisted on absolute equality. But he failed to accept the view that special measures were sometimes needed to achieve this equality†. Ah, the early disc ussion of affirmative action and the thought that after century of oppression, laws would just make things equal. Blacks began to use this momentous period to organize as well, and formed the National afro-American Council, as well as the National Association for Colored Women. W.E.B. DuBois had just written The Souls of Black Folk and called black leaders together for a conference near Niagara Falls–the start of the â€Å"Niagara Movement.† These leaders called for a much more radical and revolutionary approach, attacking the moderate ideas of men like Booker T. Washington. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed after a race riot in Springfield, IL in 1910, but whites dominated the leadership. The NAACP focused mainly on legal action and education, but DuBois, one of the officers, championed the notion that â€Å"Persistent manly agitation is the way to liberty†. It’s interesting to note that this was the start of the nation’s â€Å"Progressive Period† a time when new amendments and laws were being passed all t he time. However, these laws didn’t necessarily benefit blacks, women, labor organizations, or Socialists; they were more a response to the shifting social tide what doesn’t bend, breaks, and right? As Zinn notes, â€Å"it was a reluctant reform, aimed at quieting the popular risings, not making fundamental changes†. In addition to numerous food, drug, and safety regulations, the nation witnessed the 16th Amendment graduated income tax and 17th Amendment election of Senators by popular vote. However, these reforms were less about actual social change and more a necessary response to growing social agitation in order to create â€Å"a middle-class cushion for class conflict†¦an attempt by the system to adjust to changing conditions in order to achieve more stability. Zinn quotes Harold Faulkner: ‘Through rules with impersonal sanctions, it sought continuity and predictability in a world of endless change. It assigned far greater power to government†¦and it encouraged the centralization of authority†. What happened was the emergence of â€Å"political capitalism,† in which â€Å"businessmen took firmer control of the political system because the private economy was not efficient enough to forestall protest from below. The businessmen were not opposed to the new reforms; they initiated them, pushed them, to stabilize the capitalist system in a time of uncertainty and trouble†. No longer did we have a government throwing the occasional big bone to business, but a government that was bent over a chair, pants around the ankles with big business. Zinn closes his chapter focusing on the idea that â€Å"much of the intense activity for Progressive reform was intended to head off. ’The Rising Tide of Socialism† and zooms in on one key event: the Colorado Coal Strike which began in September 1910 and culminated in the Ludlow Massacre of April 1914. 11,000 miners worked for the Colorado Fuel & Iron Corporation. When a union organizer was murdered, the workers began to strike in protest of low pay, dangerous conditions and â€Å"feudal domination.† Immediately, the miners were evicted from their shacks and forced to live in tent colonies in nearby hills. Gunmen hired by Rockefeller interests raided the colonies and were eventually joined by the National Guard. The strikers held out through the winter of 1913-1914 and it became clear that only drastic measures would break the strike. So, on April 20th a machine gun attack was opened on the tents, and the strikers fired back. The Guards set fire to the tents, burning some people to death. Eventually federal troops were brought in to restore order, but only after 26 men, women, and children had lost their lives. It was clear once again that unrest at home would not stop, so the government, once again, looked outside its borders for a distraction.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Fantasy Story from Another World

The cat tried to remind me of my dignity by seeing the girl. But, as usual, when they see his young man, his hard and sunny eyes will soften. She is a naughty human girl from 4 to 5 years old who has sweet, blonde hair and blue eyes like the sky. Cats are currently caught in the most rude manner, his feet are hanging in the air, and his body remains tight in the space between her arms and the body. The girl turned and his golden blonde eyes slightly swollen. However, he was absurd but resisted. Fantasy: Another world of fairy tales. The definition looks simple, but it's not as simple as it sounds audible. This is an exquisite story of a fantastic fairy whose creation lives in a fantastic world that requires some important elements. Fairy Tales, J. R. R. Turkien plays the role of a chef and uses soup as a fairy tale. In order to realize the concept of fantasy, the author has created a secondary world for the reader. - High fantasy is a relatively new type introduced in the second half of the 19th century. Through this novel, authors have the opportunity to answer the big social problems winning in their lives. This matures this type as our culture progresses. High fantasy has rapidly evolved into a widely accepted and accepted type; George R.R What is a fantasy novel? Fantasy is a type that uses magic and other supernatural elements as the main plot. The story created by many authors tells the world of supernatural power and magic. Science fiction, fantasy, horror is a subtype of speculative fiction. Therefore, these three are closely related and are often misunderstood as the same. Several authors with little knowledge about genre differences may overlap. Scope of Fantasy Novels - Types of fantasies are mainly medieval shapes. But in a broader sense, in fantasy, many writers, filmmakers, artists, works of ancient legends and mythical musicians are included in many of the recent popular works I will. Fantasy novel works range from structural theory mainly to rum en space, medieval connection, and popular culture.

Friday, September 27, 2019

While the Budget factored in a decline in Australias terms of trade, Essay - 1

While the Budget factored in a decline in Australias terms of trade, the fall in global commodity prices over recent months has been larger than anticipated - Essay Example The recent natural disasters in Australia, Japan and New Zealand also reduce Australia’s economic growth in early 2011. Combined, these natural disasters detracted around 75%of a percentage point from Australia’s economic growth in 2010-11, the real GDP contracted in the March quarter of that year. While it take many years for the affected communities to recover from these tragic events, the negative impacts on Australia’s economic growth was great, with the resumption of activity and commencement of reconstruction that added to real GDP growth from 2011-12. There have been major changes in term of both structure and trend in Australian trade. Structural change has been going on from as far as 19th centuries and it is not new to anyone. It is one of the ongoing features of Australian economies. In the past years one of the most common changes is that of the service sector, which has accounted for a steadily increasing share of both output and employment. In the early years of 1950s more than of the Australian workforce were employed in the service sector, currently the rate stood at over 75% and the trend seems to be increasing. On the contrary the workforce working in both manufacturing and agricultural sector has steadily

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Employer Liability For Improper Computer and Internet Use By Employees Thesis

Employer Liability For Improper Computer and Internet Use By Employees - Thesis Example Part IV covers employer liability for criminal acts of employees under the negligent hiring theory. This part of the paper discusses the concept of negligent hiring, substantiates employer immunity and looks at cases involving liability the internet and the right to privacy. Part v of the paper provides suggestions on how to reduce employer liability and part VI is the conclusion. Computers and the internet have transformed corporate practices. Social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ allow organizations to communicate and lobby responses from the public in a quick and affordable manner. Organizations also use social media to engage employees and foster productivity. This use goes beyond new technological equipment and improved communications. The advantages of the use of technology in the workplace have also come with risks to businesses. The risks involved include the leakage of private company information by employees, the use of work facilities for personal undertakings and the inappropriate use of computer and internet by employees. This use has augmented the potential for unethical and illegal practices by employees. Technology has also made it simple to engage in unethical activities such as the theft of private information about other individuals and downloading inappropriate content from the internet. These problems are far reaching a nd businesses have developed ethics and training programs for its employees to assist in reducing the occurrence of unethical activities.1 The use of computers and the internet in the workplace exposes employers to liability for the actions of employees. The improper use of these facilities gives rise to actions in tort, which may hold the employer liable. Such instances involve holding employers liable under the doctrine of respondeat superior for the actions of its

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The main motive of an entrepreneur is to earn profit through production or distribution of product and/or services. On the other hand, entrepreneurship has been explained as a process of performing a work in a new and better way. As per the views of Peter F. Drucker, an entrepreneur is one who always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity (Drucker, 2007). In a broader way, it can be said that entrepreneur shifts economic sources out of lower into higher productivity and greater yield. Every management theorist has represented entrepreneurship in its own way. The entire management study has been based on entrepreneurship. Like any other management studies, entrepreneurship has diverse characteristics, themes and types (Magretta, 2014). With this concern, the essay intends to conduct a debate between characteristics and themes of entrepreneurship. Moreover, the entire essay provides a brief view about entrepreneurship types, characteristics and themes. Every profession has different characteristics or traits, which make that occupation more diverse and exclusive from others. Likewise, an entrepreneur has many unique traits, which make this occupation different from other (Magretta, 2014). An entrepreneur has various characteristics that are described hereunder. To make a mark in any field, every individual is needed to be confident. In an entrepreneur, confidence is recognized as a hallmark characteristic. It has been seen that individuals are able to be success in their profession by developing the level of confidence. In this regard, an entrepreneur is required to possess confidence, so that he or she is creative as well as risk taking in approach for better business performance (Otote, 2009). To be a successful entrepreneur, every individual should have strong leadership qualities for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

HW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HW - Assignment Example Kodak has a legal obligation to sue companies that infringe on its patents. Kodak is among the oldest companies in the market that is slowly dying. Patents give the company to exclusively benefit from its innovations. Kodak sues the companies’ infringing on its patents to be compensated for its products. The company has to sue to deter other companies from infringing on its patents. Kodak has an exclusive right to produce the product for 20 years before other companies can duplicate. The company sues to ensure that it retains this right. Kodak can market its products in the market to gain market dominance before its patents expire. The company should invest in market penetration to ensure that it attains a loyal client base before the 20-year patent period. The company can also diversify it product range to compete with other players in the market. Positioning is key for the company, the management should ensure that the company is well positioned in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Unit Journal for International Relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Unit Journal for International Relation - Essay Example Because of these changes, state sovereignty will never be absolute. State sovereignty means that the state has the absolute power to control over its internal affairs that happen within the boundary of its territory, free from outside state interference, and has the complete authority to govern its people (Wang, 2004)iii. Today, each country is obliged to observe the international laws. Therefore, there will always be some instances wherein a sovereign country should seek external assistance from outside sources before it can make a final political decision. For example, before China opened its door to international trading, this country did not bother to establish a close political and economic relations with Europe. Likewise, Europe was not interested in establishing international relations with China. Because of global trading, the is an on-going political and economic relations between these two countries. Therefore, neither one of these two countries should make political, socia l, and economic decisions that could hurt or weaken the relationship between the two countries (Taneja, 2010)iv. Question two: Define poverty. Can it be eradicated? The basic human needs are not limited to food, clean drinking water, and shelter but also education, access to health care services, and work opportunity. Once the basic human needs are not met, poverty is said to be present. With this in mind, poverty is actually referring to a poor living condition wherein people have insufficient basic human needs that are necessary for a higher quality of life (UNDP, 1997)v. Because of the continuously increasing population growth around the world, socio-economic problems related to poverty also significantly increases. Among the few well-know economic concepts that could clearly explain the increase of inequality in terms of income distribution and work opportunities is capitalism. Under a capitalized economy, business people in general gather a group of laborers in exchange with mi nimum wage. Since businessmen could earn a large sum of profit out of the lower income population, the gap between the rich and the poor increases over time (Botha, 2003)vi. Through education, poverty rate can be reduced but not totally eradicated. According to Bhalla (2006, p. 23), India and China are two of the biggest countries around the world that chose not participate in the global economy started to open its market outside the country since 1980s. Eventually, the active participation of Chinese and Indians in the global market resulted to a significant reduction on the number of people who are experiencing poverty. Since a lot of people who used to live below the poverty line were given the opportunity to work, the number of people who were experiencing poverty was significantly reduced from 1.3 billion in 1980 down to 500 million in 2000 (Bhalla, 2006, p. 22). Question three: Identify and explain the challenges for policy makers when dealing with population growth. Policy ma kers are facing challenges when it comes to controlling the population growth. One of the most common challenges involves the cultural and religious controversy with regards to the use of birth control methods. In line with this, Boadu (2002)vii revealed that the Catholic, Mormons, and Baptists religion are strongly against the use of artificial contraceptives.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Orthomyxovirus (influenza) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Orthomyxovirus (influenza) - Research Paper Example Severe, hospitalizations as well as death normally occur when such pandemic occurs. Though, the pandemic is less serious, it causes extensive morbidity when it occurs. Wilson and von Itzstein points out that two attributes of the virus occurring during replication and its evolution are the ones that makes this virus to be successful in its epidemiological (165). These attributes are its ability to circulate freely in the avian water reservoirs, and emerge without being predicted and spread easily in people. The second attribute is its comparatively quick and unpredictable antigenic transformation that is associated with its evolution the moment they infect the human population. This short paper details some aspects of the influenza virus. Discuss the virus morphology Influence virus is highly pleomorphic; this implies that the envelope of the virus can appear in spherical or filamentous shapes. However, as Jin and Leser (98) explain, the virus’s has a spherical morphology with 50 to 120 nm particles in diameter. The virus also has a filamentous virions measuring 20 nm in diameter, while the measure 200 to 300 nm long. At the same time, the virus has some 500 distinctive spear-like surface protrusions that emerge on the envelope each protruding about 10 nm. Other types of the virus fro example hemagglutinin esterase (HEP) are thickly dispersed on surface, while others like hemagglutinin (HA) spaced sparsely apart. Various strains of this virus differ in the way they form their filaments. Genome: Ito and Gorman (66) explains that influenza A and B viruses have six to eight fragments of linear single stranded RNA, each of this RNA has one or more protein, but type C has got seven fragments. Accordingly, the whole length of genome measures abo ut 10000 nucleotides long. However, the length of genome varies extensively among these three groups of viruses, the difference sometimes occurs even in the same type among the various strains (Jin, and Leser, 99). Structure: the influence has an orthomyxovirus comprising of an envelope, layer of protein, polymerase complex and a nucleocapsid, and has a capsid envelop. Replication There have been extensive studies done on replication of influenza viruses mainly on type A strains, thus replication discussed in this section will mainly be linked to this strain. Ito and Gorman points out that the influenza virus is able to infect a cell by binding it’s HA or HEF protein a cell’s protein receptor (67). The virus then goes through the process of endocytosis, during this process the low PH observed in the late phase of endocytosis results in conformational transformation in the cleavage –activated HA. This leads to a joining (fusion) of the viral and vesicular film. T he fusion of the viral and vesicular discharges its contents of the viruses into the cell’s cytoplasm. Before the fusion takes place, M2 protein from type B viruses produces protons in the within of virion. Transmission The influenza viruses spread its disease via airborne. Accordingly, Hilleman (144) explains that the viruses are deposited in the lower part of the respiratory tract, however, they main part that they infect is the tracheobronchial mucosa. According to Hilleman the virus takes about six hours to replicate and the end of the process it kills the cell (145). The virus then attaches itself to the permissive cell through the hemaggulitinin; this is attached to the cell membrane that has glycolipids that have N-acetylneuraminic acid that has a receptor, where the virus is attached. After this the virus is then surrounded by the pinocytosis and moves to the endosomes. The endosomes have acid and this makes the virus envelope to merge with the plasma layer of the end osome, the virus then

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Brief View of Buddhism on Different Perspectives Essay Example for Free

Brief View of Buddhism on Different Perspectives Essay Buddhism in China was not first welcomed. People had different opinions on Buddhism. To analyze the responses to the spread of Buddhism in china by who expresses to the audience, why some people believe Buddhism is better for the country, and why some believe Buddhism is bad for China. Depending on what time period they lived in, changed the opinion of those who expressed their opinion to the audience. (Document 2) Zhi Dun is a Chinese Scholar, author, and a high official. During circa 350 C.E Northern China was invaded by Central Asian Steppe Nomads. There is war between the Asian Steppe Nomads and Zhi Dun believes that if you believe in Buddhism and have the right intentions, you can reach nirvana. (Document 3) This document is written by an Anonymous Chinese Scholar that expresses his opinion to the people of China. This is during circa 500 C.E., which was during the time of instability and disunity. He wrote this document anonymously because he was fearful of what other people think. They might not agree with his idea. (Document 6) The emperor response is toward the people of china. This is during 845 C.E, which is after the imperial structure is restored and he is saying that they don’t need Buddhism. Although some people agree with Confucianism, people think Buddhism helped China. (Document 1) In this document, it talks about the four Noble Truths. It shows how everyone suffers and the only way to get rid of suffering is to get rid of your desires. This was the first sermon preached by the Buddha in India during the fifth century. This document was written to persuade those to become Buddhists and follow the teachings. (Document 2), this document explains how if you have the right intentions, then you will reach Nirvana. This helps relief the people of china. (Document 5), Zong Mi, a Buddhist scholar said that Buddhism helped China. He said that the Buddha taught many teachings and in result, it encouraged the perfection of good deeds. Although Buddhism might seem good for China, other people believe that it ruined the country. Usually the higher classes thought Confucianism was better. This is because the lower classes are to respect the higher class. Han Yu is a Confucian Scholar and official of the Tang imperial court. This is during the 819 C.E. he says Buddhism didn’t even originate from China. He also says that Buddhism has nothing to do with the country and the culture. (Document 6), this is during 815 C.E. This is the time period after the instability and disunity of china. China is restored and they have an imperial rule, Tang Emperor Wa. His attitude towards Buddhism is furious. Since China is restored, he believes in Confucianism and Legalism, so there is no need for Buddhism. He even explains that Buddhism is selfish. All they do is eat and meditate, not helping the country by working. To analyze the responses to the spread of Buddhism by observing those who expressed their opinion to the people of China. It differed depending on what time period they lived in. it depended if they lived in the time of instability and disunity or when china was restored. Others believe that Buddhism helped China. They believe that it helped China during the time of instability and disunity. During this period of time, there was an invasion against the Asian steppe nomads in circa 350 C.E. Buddhism helped comfort those that were going to war by saying that they can reach nirvana. Even though Buddhism helped China, higher officials and Confucius believe that it ruined the country. This is because during 845 C.E. they had an emperor. They didn’t need Buddhism anymore because they had an emperor and china is unified by one leader again. A missing voice that is needed in the document section is a person that does not express their opinion to the public, like a private voice such as a person putting something down in a diary. The second voice that is needed is the common people’s opinion in China. This will show which philosophy they are rooting for during a period of time. The third voice should be a historian’s view during their period of time, so it shows how he interprets it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cancer Stem Cells: Properties, Concepts and Models

Cancer Stem Cells: Properties, Concepts and Models Tumours are made up of a heterogeneous population of cells which are distinct in terms of their differentiation competencies, proliferative capabilities as well as functional properties. [A] The mechanisms responsible for such heterogeneity are the subject of research, and two models have been put forth in order to explain the phenomenon – Cancer stem cells (CSCs) and clonal evolution. [A] Cancer stem cells are a subset of the total population of cells in a tumour that have the ability to undergo self-renewal, as well as to differentiate into the different types of cells that comprise the tumour. [A] These CSCs are said to be responsible for tumorigenesis as well as for driving tumour growth. [U] Evidence supporting the existence of cancer stem cells Differences in clonogenicity among cancer cells were first documented in cases of leukaemia and multiple myeloma. It was found that 0.01 – 1% of the cells were capable of extensive proliferation, and able to establish colonies when grown in vitro (Park, C. H., Bergsagel, D. E. McCulloch, E. A. Mouse myeloma tumor stem cells: a primary cell culture assay. J. Natl Cancer Inst. 46, 411–422 (1971). Two possible explanations existed for this – either leukemic cells had a low overall capacity for proliferation, or only a definite subset of these cells were clonogenic. In 1994, John Dick and his group of researchers carried out a landmark study where CSCs were isolated from a mouse model that had been transplanted with human AML cells. [Z15] This was the first conclusive evidence for the existence of a subset of the leukaemia cells that were highly clonogenic, in comparison to the remaining cancer cells. It was later observed that a similar condition exists in the case of solid tumours, where only a small subset of the total cell population is tumorigenic. [G] Origins of cancer stem cells Several contradictory theories exist regarding the cellular origins of cancer stem cells. Some state that these cells are derived from normal stem cells that have acquired oncogenic mutations [G], others refute this with the claim that cancer stem cells can arise from a committed progenitor cell that has acquired the properties of a stem-cell during its cancerous transformation [Z1], while yet others suggest that these cells could arise as a result of a fusion event between a stem cell and a tumour cell. [N] The idea that cancers could arise from normal stem cells is highly plausible because not only do they continuously undergo divisions, but they are also long lived, allowing them to accumulate multiple mutations, as is required for a cancerous transformation. [B] Apart from the accumulation of mutations, the interaction of a cell with its local microenvironment also influences the tumorigenic process. Mouse leukaemia models have been able to provide evidence that given suitable niche conditions, a progenitor cell is capable of de-differentiating to form a CSC. [V] However, since most progenitor and mature cells have a relatively short life-span, it seems unlikely that will be able to acquire the oncogenic mutations required to render them tumorigenic. [I] Despite these explanations, the exact origin of most tumours and cancer stem cells remains unknown, and can only be speculated based on experimental findings. [A] Additionally, irrespective of the origin, the identification and isolation of CSCs in a tumour indicates that there exists a functional hierarchy exists within the tumour tissue. [L] Properties of cancer stem cells These cells can undergo symmetric as well as asymmetric divisions, which results in the expansion of the cancer stem cell population itself, as well as an increase in the number of differentiated cells that constitute the bulk of the tumour. [Z1] THE CANCER STEM CELL MODEL As previously mentioned, two models have been put forth to explain the heterogeneity of a tumour cell population. The first model is the CSC model, also known as the hierarchical model, which states that within a tumour, there exist different classes of cells and that the CSCs represent a biologically distinct subpopulation of cells that are capable of propagating the tumour. [C] It suggests that the characteristics of the cells within the tumour are intrinsically determined and therefore only certain cells possess the ability to undergo extensive proliferation to initiate tumour formation, these cells are called the CSCs; while the remaining cells are incapable of tumorigenisis. According to the CSC model, although most cancers arise from a group of cells that are genetically monoclonal in nature, the high level of tumour heterogeneity is a result of the interaction between cells that are in different states of differentiation after have initiated from a common precursor. [Z12] Evidence supporting this hypothesis emerges from the observation that though tumours may initially respond well to chemotherapy, there is often a case of relapse; which could occur due to the CSCs that persist post-treatment and are then able to re-initiate tumour formation. [Z13] There are, however, limitations to the CSC model; the first being that all studies that support it have only addressed the potential of the cells to proliferate and give rise to tumours, but not the actual fate. [D] Since the conditions applied to test the tumorigenic potential of these cells may vary considerably from the conditions experienced by the cells in vivo, we do not know which of these cells actually contribute to the establishment and growth of the primary tumour. It is also noteworthy that it has been found that if the population of cancer cells acquires an immense number of mutations and aberrations, then almost all of them begin to show stem-like properties. [C] In such a case, the CSC model becomes irrelevant. On the other hand, the stochastic model states that cells in a tumour are biologically equivalent, and that each cell has the ability to act as a CSC, given the right circumstances. A combination of intrinsic and extrinsic influences is said to determine the proliferative capacity and the ultimate fate of a cell. [C] Behaviour of a cell is therefore not pre-determined by intrinsic characters alone and tumour initiating cells cannot be enriched. It is however likely for both these paradigms to be observed in vivo, in different cancers. Some cancers may follow the CSC model, while others may not. Based on transplantation studies in mice, it has been found that only in a fraction of cases, does AML follow the CSC model while in others there is no evidence for the existence of a highly tumorigenic sub-population of cells that continue to display CSC activity upon serial propagation. [F] Therefore, although CSCs may be responsible for driving the growth of a majority of tumours and cancers, there are studies which indicate that certain malignancies may be sustained primarily by the bulk of the tumour cells. [F] IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION OF CANCER STEM CELLS Cancer stem cell assays Purification and enrichment techniques CSC markers CSCs in various cancers HETEROGENEITY IN CANCER STEM CELL POPULATIONS Based on the study of the CSC model, the question arises as to whether similar hierarchical subpopulations of tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic are observed in patients suffering from the same type of cancer; and whether these tumorigenic CSCs can be isolated based on conserved cell- surface markers. However it has been found that there are often phenotypic differences in CSCs even within the same cancer sub-type. [E] For example, though it has been found that the CD44+/CD24- population of breast cancer cells are generally tumorigenic, this is not universally the case and in certain cases, it has been found that cells of diverse phenotypes are able to act as CSCs. (Al-Hajj, M., Wicha, M.S., Benito-Hernandez, A., Morrison, S.J., and Clarke, M.F. (2003). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 3983–3988.) Similarly, in gliomas CD133 expression is not always associated with CSCs, and in certain instances CD133- cells have also been found to be tumorigenic. (Beier, D. et al. CD133+ and CD133– glioblastoma derived cancer stem cells show differential growth characteristics and molecular profiles. Cancer Res. 67, 4010–4015 (2007). Apart from the phenotype, the frequency of CSCs in a solid tumour or population of cancer cells is also variable. In melanomas, CSCs constitute anything between 1.6 to 20% of the total cells, while in the case of colorectal carcinomas, they represent between 1.8 to 24.5% of the cells. [A] Additionally, in general, the percentage of CSCs in solid tumours has been found to be significantly higher than the percentage of leukemic stem cells. [Z15] This heterogeneity has implications on the prognosis of the disease as well as the outcomes of various therapeutic interventions. It is envisioned that with the identification of more refined markers and improved methods for determination of CSC frequency, we may eventually be able to correlate the percentage of CSCs with the tumour grade and the outcome. [A]

Friday, September 20, 2019

God is Pantheistic Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, Epictetus

Epictetus’s god is pantheistic Because his teachings can be interpreted in different ways, Epictetus’s view of god is unclear. It is unclear whether Epictetus’s god is a pantheistic god who is one with the universe or whether his god is a personal god that answers prayers and watches over his people like the god of monotheism. While there is little doubt that Epictetus views god as all powerful and all good, I will argue that his texts also indicate that Epictetus views god as a pantheistic god possessing none of the defining characteristics of a personal god. There is a significant difference between what Epictetus means by being all good and what monotheism defines as all good. What monotheism defines as all good is perfect morals while Epictetus defines the true nature of good as intelligence, knowledge, and right reason (Discourses 8:2). According to Epictetus, the true nature of good cannot be found in irrational creatures such as animals and plants. Rather, it can only be found in what is rational (Discourses 8:3). Only what possesses rationality can have the true nature of good and since the true nature of god is where the true nature of good is, one can only conclude that the true nature of god is rationality (Discourses 8:1). Epictetus’s god does not merely possess these qualities, but he is goodness, he is rationality itself. That is the defining difference between the good of Epictetus’s god and that of a personal god. The texts make it clear that Epictetus sees god as all powerful. He describes god as being the artificer of the universe and that no one could possibly possess power equal to god (Discourses 6:10, 14:11). This could be interpreted as a personification of god because being an â€Å"artificer† and the ab... ...e of ourselves, but simply to preserve ourselves as nature intended (Discourses 8:23). Epictetus’s god is not a caring, personal god as a cursory glance at the texts might have someone believe. While at first glance it may seem as though Epictetus’s god appears to be a personal god, a closer look at the texts reveal that his god is a pantheistic one who is not at all like the personal god of monotheism. His god is one with the universe and the true essence of his god is the rationality of intelligence, right reason, and knowledge while a personal god is a separate entity from the world but cares and watches over from above. Although both Epictetus’s god and the personal god of monotheism are both all good and all powerful, they are so in very different ways. Epictetus’s god is clearly a pantheistic god possessing none of the traits which define a personal god.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Not Just for Laughs: Remembering the Porter Essay -- essays research p

Macbeth is one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays-a story of murder, betrayal, and uninhibited ambition. After proving himself in war, the titular character is rewarded by Duncan and given the title Thane of Cawdor. Unsatisfied with his new position, Macbeth (partially due to temptations from the witches and his wife) decides to assassinate King Duncan and claim the throne for himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Porter scene in Macbeth occurs at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 3, just after Macbeth's offstage murder of Duncan. The Porter is the keeper of the Gate at Inverness Castle, and he occupies the stage while Macbeth, who hears the knocking at the end of the second scene, wishes that that the knocking could bring Duncan back to life (II.ii.88-89). Though the Porter scene is only 40 lines, it is quite memorable and also one of the most debated scenes in Shakespeare. The Porter is a special character; he speaks in prose rather than verse. His scene is also notable because it is a dividing point in the play. After his scene, Macbeth's thirst for power worsens, and his wife becomes more and more mentally unstable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Porter imagines himself as keeper of the Gate to Hell. It is a suitable analogy, as he is the porter of a castle which holds a great, ambitious evil that will soon send a nation to war. He imagines himself admitting three men into his castle: a farmer, an equivocator (a Jesuit priest), and a tailor. The farmer hangs himself â€Å"in the expectation of plenty,† the equivocator equivocates, and the tailor cheats his customers by using generic hose instead of high-quality French hose. The Porter also remarks that the castle is â€Å"too cold for Hell,† perhaps implying Macbeth's inherent evil and sinister lust for power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The scene also advances the themes of equivocation and deceptive appearances. Each of the men mentioned by the Porter has somehow equivocated, and the Porter later speaks of alcohol and sex with Lennox and Macduff. He tells the men that such things are catalysts for equivocation. Drink, the Porter says, â€Å"equivocates him in a sleep, and giving him the lie, leaves him,† meaning that drink creates a false illusion of sexual pleasure in a dream (II.ii.34-35). His dialogue, while humorous, reinforces some of the broader themes of the play. There are numerous scholarly ar... ...nces to Hell are Christian, the idea of Macduff as a Christ-like figure is also Christian. Though I say the Nicene Creed every Sunday at church, the idea of Macduff â€Å"descending into Hell† never occurred to me. If anything, he simply seemed nothing more than Duncan's loyal servant. I never made the connection to the end of the play, when Macduff brings about Macbeth's downfall. It is an expansion on Shakespeare's use of Christianity in the play. Macduff found Malcolm and an army to defeat Macbeth at the court of Edward I, a man believed to have the power to cure people with the touch of his hands. The Church provided redemption for Scotland, and by associating Macduff with a Christ-like figure, this motif is continued.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Porter scene is not as simple as it appears. A close, scholarly analysis produces a scene that is more layered than originally thought. Scholars of earlier centuries ignored the scene because of its seemingly crude, prose style; however, it becomes obvious that without the scene, Macbeth loses some of its thematic significance. Works Cited Harcourt, John B. 1961. â€Å"I Pray You, Remember the Porter.† Shakespeare Quarterly 12: 393-402.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Paul Krugmans The Accidental Theorist :: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy

Paul Krugman's The Accidental Theorist In the piece entitled Four Percent Follies from The Accidental Theorist Krugman discusses how some people think Alan Greenspan should let the economy grow faster. Four Percenters, those against Greenspan, feel that he is not putting enough currency into circulation therefore slowing growth. If more money is put into the economy then it will grow faster but if too much is put in, inflation will occur. Also, they feel that this will remedy the low rate of unemployment which will soon cause inflation to spiral upward if it continues to decrease below the standard 6%. Adam Smith would surely understand the Four Percenter’s plea. He would want the economy to be free from too much government control. Greenspan is abusing his place and should let the currency flow into the market rather then hold back. Sure, Smith would say some mediation is necessary to keep too much money from pouring in so inflation doesn’t occur. Smith believes that the economy should be free from the government yet the government should still silently oversee it to prevent any problems. Greenspan is preventing problems but is being too cautious and Smith would want him to let more currency into our market but still keep it from getting out of control. My view on this matter is quite similar to that of Adam Smith’s view on the matter. I also feel that an economy should be allowed to flourish and grow to its fullest capacity. As the article illustrates, inserting more money into the economy will certainly cause the economy to grow and also help fix the unemployment rate. So I feel that Greenspan should loosen his control over the money and let more currency be distributed into the economy. But I also feel that it is very important that Greenspan maintains a watchful eye over this inserting of money into the economy. His job is to keep the economy prosperous and safe. So while he must let more money flow he still must be sure to keep too much money from entering our market.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Krispy Kreme – Analysis

But also, they must have a solid consumer base In the United States and In Canada. They should focus on having franchisees on Southeast Asia, where people patronize products from the West. Some examples of these countries are Japan, Taiwan, China and the Philippines. Crispy Creme could put up franchise stores internationally from 30-50 locations on the next year. They should not be in a hurry and every decision must be well-studied, especially now that they are facing some financial setbacks and faculties.If Crispy Creme decide to put up more stores in Europe, it will be hard for them to penetrate fully the market. As we all know, Europeans are traditional when it comes to their food. They still prefer eggs and bacon for their breakfast, unlike the Americans who can eat doughnuts during the mornings. To lessen the cost of stabling the company In Europe continent, they might as well put up a factory of Crispy Creme there In order for them to save on transporting doughnut mixes and equ ipments from united States to Europe.If there is a factory in a European country, then it will be easier to transport the ingredients from another country in Europe. Crispy Seeker's number-one competitor is Dunking' Donuts. Here in the Philippines, Dunking' Donuts is tagged as the â€Å"Absolving Eng Banyan†. It has its own impact in the Filipino masses. One of their major strengths as a competitor is its name recognition and market saturation. Also, its advertisement has a recall to the public. It is true that Crispy Creme is Just starting as an international player but it could learn some points room Dunking' Donuts.The major problem In Crispy Seeker's current strategy Is that the Individual factory stores do not have different approaches to marketing even though they are located In very different areas. What Crispy Creme should do Is to study the geographical area where they will put up a store and adapt Its environment. Secondly, people patronize Dunk Donuts Decease teeny nave aquanauts Walt â€Å"better† nutritional value, I. E. , are lower in calories, fat and sugar. Why not, Crispy Creme adapts the same kind of strategy. They should develop new flavors that are owe or have zero-calories.This is because nowadays people are so health-conscious and sees to it that they do not intake too much calories and too much sweets. Crispy Seeker's doughnut products do not appeal to health/weight/nutrition/low-Carr conscious consumers. They must work on that. They could introduce a sugar-free doughnut and perhaps a reduced-Carr doughnut that will be seen by customers as an acceptable and tasty product-?thus helping revive demand and sales volume. Internationally, Crispy Creme must plan to follow Cataracts, Coca-Cola and McDonald's.These companies rely on the uniqueness of the American cultural experience to sell its product. They enriched their companies' histories in their own locations: Cataracts in Seattle, Coca-Cola in Atlanta and McDonald's in Calif ornia. Crispy Creme could use its history in North Carolina to sell its products. Uniquely, they are also arousing the people's curiosity with their mint-theaters inside their stores. I must admit, I bought my first Crispy Creme Doughnuts out of curiosity when I saw their store in Mall of Asia.Another way to discover what the customers want would be to apply a system hat would allow customers to take monthly surveys in exchange for perks and freebies. Crispy Creme would not only get what the customers desired but this strategy would create customer loyalty. The customers may feel that their voices and suggestions and comments are appreciated by the company. Crispy Creme Doughnuts has long been relying on free media publicity through word-of-mouth. They don't appear to have put much effort into marketing their product. The company spent very little on advertising, depending largely on word of mouth, and local publicity.Crispy Creme should engage on a public outreach campaign, in whic h they act as sponsors for local community events. For example, the company could sponsor a local awareness program for diseases, disabilities etc. Freebies and stuff with the Crispy Creme logo could be handed out to those taking part in the event. This could be a way for the company to touch the Filipino masses and not maintain its image as for the rich people only. These strategies may help the company along with a very good management and seriously and carefully planning before decisions are made.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Why L.A. Used as Setting for Most Disaster Movies.

HENOS WOLDE Instructor: STARR GOODE English 1 Essay 3 10/29/2012 Why L. A. used as setting for most disaster movies. Through decades of disaster films, Los Angeles has been targeted by aliens, toppled by temblors, sunken by tsunamis, leveled by lava, and a rogue tornado once took out the Hollywood sign. Even though in real life los angels is not such a disastrous it nonetheless faces constant destruction in movies, on television, and in books; in the collective imagination, the city burns and burns.Los angels is used as a setting for most disastrous movies because the city is home to Hollywood and the movie business, so the artists who write about, direct and execute mass destruction in Los Angeles are often intimately familiar with the territory and find it convenient to destroy los angels in their films. Los Angeles is a popular disaster movie locale because it is home of the entertainment capital of the world Hollywood, its famous landmarks, and its geography. Los Angeles is home to the entertainment capital of the world Hollywood, which explains why L. A. is often used as a setting for most disaster movies.To destroy a big city in movies takes a lot of time and work. It would make it even harder to travel far away to shoot these movies. To make the destruction look realistic, Hollywood movie makers have to work extra hard and film non stop making sure they get every little detail right. It would make it very challenging to film these movies far away from the studio. For these reason Hollywood apparently wants to destroy all of Los Angeles. For example, the city is going down in flames in DEMOLITION MAN, turned into an island in ESCAPE FROM L. A. , and obliterated in THE BIG ONE: THE GREAT LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE.Perhaps Hollywood has no particular malice toward Los Angeles but simply destroys it cinematically because â€Å"it’s there,† at hand, nearby, easy to drive to and blow up, burn down, and shake apart while the cameras roll. With these d isaster movies Hollywood has perfected the cinema of conspicuous destruction, certainly a defining aspect of American movie technology. Los Angeles is also a city filled with internationally recognized landmarks. The Hollywood sign, the Capitol Records building, City Hall and the skyscrapers of down town makes the movies convenient for cinematic shorthand.Almost everybody recognizes these landmarks and when they see it being destroyed in movies, it allows the scale of the disaster to strike the audience greatly. By far, L. A. ‘s biggest cinematic target is the famous nine-letter landmark perched in the Hollywood hills. When people see the Hollywood sign being destroyed by natural disaster or alien attack, the idea behind it is to exaggerates the power of the destruction and to shock viewers with a realistic image of these familiar monument’s falling apart. Apart from its landmarks, L. A. s a popular disaster-movie locale because of its geography. Sitting in a seismic zo ne on the western edge of the continent, it is surrounded by beaches, mountains and deserts. In real life, the city is subject to floods, fires, earthquakes and big waves, so seeing freeways collapse or Santa Monica swallowed up by the sea isn't such a stretch. Hollywood takes great advantage of these landmarks to destroy Los Angeles. Some People also love watching Los Angeles get destroyed because they believe It's nice to mess up the great weather and see it being destroyed by natural disasters.But regardless of the on screen devastation, Fire, earthquakes, floods, volcanos, and a few alien invasions have destroyed the City of Los Angeles. Even though 1000's of disastrous movies have been made in the City, these movies have made the City a Famous landmark. Ultimately, heaving destruction on Los Angeles also shows Hollywood's sense of humor and optimism. It's an odd kind of Western optimism where Los Angeles always seems to start over again, like a phoenix rising from its own destr uction.Los angeles also makes it easier for Hollywood actors to destroy it because of its geography and world wide recognized landmarks. L. A. is good at playing itself in film. It's a familiar face and it is always expected to get blown up and somehow miraculously reappear in the next summer blockbuster. Interestingly, there are always a few survivors in these films, along with a message of hope. Even thought Los Angeles is used as a setting of disaster in most of its movies, there's always hope for change and resurrection as well.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Milestone Assignment Chemistry Essay

Milestone Assignment Chemistry BY 2233 In Method 1. You start by watching the building from afar, seeing how it is used and what Its general structure Is. You then begin to get closer and more particular, examining systems such as the electrical system and sprinkler system, walls and floors. Your last step is to examine the nails, screws and other elements of the building. Which method do you think is closest to your study of chemistry thus far? What are the pros and cons to proceeding one way rather than another? Write 3-5 arcographs and submit the short essay to your teacher. Have fun’ Method one is most similar to Chemistry. This is because the table of elements is like the building and we began by looking at it as a whole and then learned the individual parts of It. First we learned the anions and canons and where they are located. Also we learned specific elements with their symbols. Second chemistry Is like method 1 because as we learned the symbols we also started to put everything together and began making compounds. We did this by lancing the charges and making sure everything was stable like a building. The periodic table Is the foundation of chemistry as a blueprint Is to a building. A pro about this method Is that we begin to see trends and patterns within the table itself. Which help us identity and put together compounds. A con is that you can become overwhelmed when you first look at the periodic table and see how many parts there are. With out the periodic table there would be no chemistry and without the walls and floors and other elements of a building, It would not exists.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Effects of Teenage Smoking

The Effects of Smoking on Adolescent Behavior and Their Ability to Perform Well in School James Grimes Eastern Kentucky University Abstract There is a considerable body of empirical research that has identified adolescent peer relationships as a primary factor involved in adolescent cigarette smoking. Despite this large research base, many questions remain unanswered about the mechanisms by which peers affect youths’ smoking behavior. Understanding these processes of influence is the key to the development of prevention and intervention programs designed to address adolescent smoking as a significant public health concern.In this paper, theoretical frameworks and empirical findings are reviewed critically which inform the current state of knowledge regarding peer influences on teenage smoking. Specifically, social learning theory, primary socialization theory, social identity theory and social network theory are discussed. Empirical findings regarding peer influence and select ion, as well as multiple reference points in adolescent friendships, including best friendships, romantic relationships, peer groups and social crowds, are also reviewed.Review of this work reveals the contribution that peers have in adolescents’ use of tobacco, in some cases promoting use, and in other cases deterring it. The Effects of Smoking on Adolescent Behavior and Their Ability to Perform Well in School Introduction Smoking by adolescents is a social activity and subject to peer pressure. Peers may offer information on where to buy cigarettes and even how to smoke them. Teenagers are often evaluated by the peers as to how cool he or she may be.Popular culture dictates an association between smoking and being a cool kid as much as wearing the right clothes, having a certain haircut, and being friends with the right people. In a since, smoking is a way of reflecting an identity. Knowing this one must ask is smoking by adolescents is really an act they wish to perform. W hether you smoke or not can determine who your friends may be. Kobus (2003) suggests that non smokers tend to befriend non smokers and smokers tend to befriend smokers. Non smokers that do become friends with smokers run a much higher risk at becoming a smoker themselves.Hypothesis In this study, I believe that adolescent who smoke will most likely have friends who smoke. I believe this study will show that 25% of the teenagers polled will be smokers and 80% of them will be friends with other smokers. It will also prove that the non smokers will be less likely to be friends with smokers. Literature Review Kobus (2003) suggests that peer relationships are the primary factor involved in cigarette smoking. Specifically, social learning theory, primary socialization theory, social identity theory and social network theory are discussed.Empirical findings regarding peer influence and selection, as well as multiple reference points in adolescent friendships, including best friendships, ro mantic relationships, peer groups and social crowds, are also reviewed. Patton, Hibbert, Rosier, Carlin, Caust, and Bowes (1996) state that an association of smoking with depression and anxiety has been documented in adult smokers. Subjects reporting high levels of depression and anxiety were twice as likely to be smokers after the potential confounders of year level; sex, alcohol use, and parental smoking were controlled for.Regular smokers were almost twice as likely as occasional smokers to report high levels of depression and anxiety. In trying to determine whether smoking can influence a student's school performance, Te-wei, Zihua, and Keeler (1998) report there’s no direct causation from smoking to school performance, but smoking might have an indirect effect, leading to other delinquency behaviors or drug abuse. These behaviors, in turn, could lead to poor school performance. However, the main argument against this hypothesis is that smoking is a relatively common beha vior relative to other factors that lead to antisocial behaviors.Methodology Population The population I used in this study of sophomore students in Ms. Powell’s math classes at McCreary Central High. I posted a survey to a web site and have asked all that would to take the survey. Instruments I started my survey by asking a yes or no question: â€Å"Do you smoke? † Then I asked all the non smokers the following 5 questions: 1. Are you male or female? 2. Does either of your parents smoke? 3. Do you feel pressure from your friends to smoke? 4. Would you have a best friend that smokes? 5. What is your average grade in school? Then I asked all smokers the following questions: 1.Are you male or female? 2. Does either of your parents smoke? 3. Do you pressure your friends to smoke? 4. Does your best friend smoke? 5. What is your average grade in school? Data Analysis At the time of writing this draft I have not collected any data yet. I will add this on my final draft. Disc ussion At the time I am writing the first draft I haven’t had enough time to collect the data for my paper. I have posted my questions using survey monkey to a web page at McCreary Central High where my wife teaches. She is going to ask student from her class to take the survey. So far I have only had 4 people take the survey.This is hardly enough to come to any conclusions. Conclusions In Conclusion, I plan on collecting the date from my surveys to analyze. Kobus (2003) concludes that adolescent peer relationships contribute to adolescent cigarette smoking. Youth who are friends with smokers have been found to be more likely to smoke themselves than those with only nonsmokers as friends. Best friends, romantic partners, peer groups and social crowds all have been found to contribute to the smoking or non-smoking behavior of teenagers. In some cases, peer influences promote smoking and, in other cases, they deter it.The mechanisms of peer influence appear to be more covert an d subtle than is thought commonly. That is, rather than be the result of direct and coercive pressures, decisions regarding smoking behavior have been found to reflect predetermined choices about fitting in, social approval, popularity and autonomy. Parents and the media have also been found to contribute to the smoking or non-smoking of youth.References Akers, R. L. , Massey, J. , Clarke, W. , ;amp; Lauer, R. M. (1983). Are Self-Reports of Adolescent Deviance Valid? Biochemical Measures, Randomized Response, and the Bogus Pipeline in Smoking Behavior. Social Forces, 62(1), 234-251. Freinkel, S. , Fuerst, M. L. , ;amp; Krieger, E. B. (1999). Teen Smoking: The Longest Drag. Health (Time Inc. Health), 13(6), 18. Kobus, K. (2003). Peers and adolescent smoking. Addiction, 9837-55. doi:10. 1046/j. 1360-0443. 98. s1. 4. x Patton, G. C. , Hibbert, M. , Rosier, M. J. , Carlin, J. B. , Caust, J. , ;amp; Bowes, G. (1996). Is Smoking Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Teenagers?. Americ an Journal Of Public Health, 86(2), 225. Te-wei, H. , Zihua, L. , ;amp; Keeler, T. E. (1998). Teenage Smoking, Attempts to Quit, and School Performance. American Journal Of Public Health, 88(6), 940-943.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ethnic Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethnic Diversity - Essay Example The growth minority health care professionals, however, is slowed down by a number of barriers including racism, discrimination, and lack of commitment to changing situation. Racism and prejudice is the root cause and the most evident reality of a certain barrier to increasing the number of minority health care professionals, particularly among non-White females. Patient and co-workers still associate the nursing image to those of White, middle-aged woman. According to the study of Douglas et al., standards integrating social justice will facilitate culturally-competent care among nurses and address racial and ethnic inequalities. This is because the social justice principle is grounded on the belief of fair and equal rights regardless of differences in ethnicity and demographics. Nursing schools must equip students with cultural competence and must still in mind about social justice. The image of a nurse as a White, middle-aged woman must be gradually changed to ethnically-diverse, competent nurse to cope with the increasing need of the healthy population. In a span of time, the United States’ population will soon have a diverse set of the population; thus, we need diverse, culturally-competent nurse to holistically address the needs of this population. Meanwhile, all of this vision of ethnically-diverse, competent nurse will not become a reality if policies for ensuring implementation will not be integrated into legislation – both in the preparatory schools for nursing and in the workforce settings.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Service Quality and Operations (A REPORT) Essay

Service Quality and Operations (A REPORT) - Essay Example Marriott Hotel Empire which started as a small company in 1927 in Washington D.C. by John Marriot of Utah. But due to its consistent efforts, today this company is serving in 67 countries and has about 3150 lodging properties. Different operation strategies, marketing strategies, maintenance of quality, employee empowerment and customer satisfaction are the key points that have enabled the success of this organization. Marriot has adopted a rigorous marketing policy, where this company is catering almost all market segments, i.e. it is not only allocating the high class but also deals with business class and the lower class. According to the research conducted in 2008, this company had built its strong network with its suppliers, customers and employees. it has also build a strong sense of teamwork among employees, maintained a positive and supportive management style. They believe customers as their guests and due to this they have enforced strict quality measures and strict quality control on all its hotels and motels. Kandampully et al. (2001) reported in his book that J.W. Marriott himself stated a philosophy in treating employees in the following statement, i.e. â€Å"take care of your employee and they will take care of you†. Every company whether it belongs to a manufacturing industry or a service sector has to carry out daily operations and transactions. Due to this operational management is extremely important OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT Not just Marriott but there are basic ten main tasks or critical decisions that every company, manager and an employee has to undertake in order to effectively manage operations. In the book by Henzer & Render (2006) mentioned the operations management ten strategic decisions, such as; service and product design, quality management, process and capacity design, location, layout design, human resource and job design, supply chain management,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Balance Score Card Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Balance Score Card - Essay Example 10). Niven highlights the importance of the BSC in allowing ‘an organisation to translate its mission into concrete objectives that align all employees (2006, p. 93).’ The Balanced Scorecard is a document that integrates the vision, mission and objectives of the organisation and provides a dashboard view of the status of the many initiatives being taken towards organisational goals. The initiatives are drilled down from a larger purpose based on financial performance and customer appreciation. Initiatives that seem to go off-course, can be brought back on track with this approach. This method allows the organisation to steer the course and make immediate changes to plans in the face of unforeseen business circumstances. The dashboard view allows the organisation to foresee chosen methods that need to change and enables immediate action. On the other hand, an organisation may devise plans to provide flexible schemes to attract different customer types. The cost versus flexibility advantage is continuously tracked and the customer is enabled to take an immediate decision regarding this strategic initiative. Drury (2004) points out that this approach provides a snapshot of four perspectives: the financial perspective brings out past performance while the customer perspective involves looking inward to understand the customer’s view of the company. The internal process perspective forces an external view of the impact of adopted processes and the learning and growth perspective provides a view to the future and the organisational capability in harnessing and progressing internal intelligence (p. 1005). This approach also provides the business with measures to gauge past performance and likely future performance. Lead measures should provide a prediction of lagging measures (Niven, 2006, p. 144). The combined use of these measures helps the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Critical analysis of an issue(s)from the course Assignment

Critical analysis of an issue(s)from the course - Assignment Example As the world has become a global village, it revolutionizes the trend of the whole globe. Business is dispersing over the seas. It gradually dimities the boundaries and bring the people closer to each other. Globalization also requires the expansion of multinational organizations. To achieve better results, it is also necessary to understand the culture of people of different races. Culture has impact on communication also. Globalization has also certain effects on our personal world that will be discussed later in this paper. Globalization has increased the impact of cultural values and issues on people. Culture is defined as norm, values, believes behaviors and attitudes of certain group of people; community etc. These behaviors may vary from person to person depending on their costumes, languages, thoughts and perceptions. When the people belonging from different races interact with each other, an impact of cross culture issues seems to appear. This usually happens in multinational organizations where employees are brought from all around the world. The interaction between different cultures may lead to some cross cultural issues. Most of the times, the issue appears between eastern cultures and western cultures. In this paper we will enlighten such issues (Caetano, 2001). Another feature that is brought in by globalization is increasing technological advancements. Technology is the synthetic enhancement of human power. It makes us stronger and smarter. It is the technology that brings human beings from Stone Age to this modern era. Actually technology is the fact due to which world has become global village. It has increased the efficiency of business. It is the mean which provides luxurious life to the people and modifies the living standard. But it is confined to some people; it is observed that with the development of technology, unemployment is also increasing. In

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fine and popular art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fine and popular art - Essay Example Such processes, although perhaps considered the results of skilled craftsmanship and artisanship in both the academy and the popular mind, were not generally believed to lend themselves to the type of refined art-making that the serious artist pursued. By emphasizing the role that art plays in popular culture and vice-versa, however, the pop art movement attempted to bridge the gap between what had been for the last several hundred years a strict division between the fine arts and the popular arts. ... While both may deal with such topics as race, economics, poverty, gender, and the like through their approaches to meeting human needs and providing form that shapes human content, the fine arts have traditionally been considered to be driven by a special refined quality that is sensitive and sensible and that revolves around a particular kind of insight and training, while the popular arts have traditionally been viewed as meeting economic needs with skilled action. The difference, in other words, seems to be a psychological one as well as an economic one. Popular artists apply skills to developing products and goods that, while beautiful, are primarily functional. Fine artists develop products which are primarily communicative. Larry Shriner, in his book The Invention of Art, argues that it was only in the 18th Century that the fine arts split off from the popular arts. Until that time many of the artists that today are considered serious fine artists from the past were essentially considered to very highly skilled artisans in their own day, and their works were considered to be highly representative forms of skilled craftsmanship. In 18th Century Europe, however, a cultural elite began to make distinctions between craftsmanship and â€Å"art† in order to separate themselves from the masses in taste and practice. The effort was so successful that they began to define art backwards, and works of skilled artisanship that were, for example, found in the colonies conquered by this cultural elite came to be called â€Å"primative art† – as though such products were approaching fine art but had not yet arrived. Shriner’s argument suggests that the distinction between fine art and the popular arts is largely

Week 3-Terence Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Week 3-Terence - Coursework Example The main reason for these companies to adopt this technology is to have them make decisions that favor the entire global market. Having a globally distributed team comes with the challenge of mistrust among some team members. However, there are some factors that the management can rely on to create trust among these team players in different parts of the world (Allison, 2013). The first factor to be considered is having directed and reflected knowledge to be shared among the team members. Directed messages will always tell the exact information being conveyed. Due to this, members trust their fellows since there are no irrelevant stories to hide the reality. Having the information that the team share reflected in some reference point also boosts trust. Social communication is another factor that is helpful in building trust in team members who will never meet face-to-face. In this level of communication the workers will discuss informal factors such as how their holidays or weekend were spent. In the process of doing this they get to know each other more and the trust is created. For example, a worker based in America can chat with his fellow in Asia discussing the summer holidays. In the process, these workers will trust each other (Carmody, 2012). The ability of the team to combine resources despite the distance between them is also crucial for trust to exist. In this case, the team members at different points in the world they operate from get to coordinate themselves and share what the team needs to accomplish its goals. If they can do this then eventually the members will create trust among themselves (Chesebro, 2012). One of the new technologies that organizations are nowadays adopting to improve communication among their team members who are globally distributed is the groove virtual office. The technology relies on the ability of the Microsoft software that can connect many servers from different parts

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Understand the scope of marketing communications Assignment

Understand the scope of marketing communications - Assignment Example Effective communication plays a vital role in advertising and promotion because it provides ways to convey message to the target audience. Communication is a process between two or more parties, one provides information and other receives information. The aim of marketing communication is to provide relevant information to the buyers and influence their buying behaviour. In advertising and promotional campaigns marketing communication process works dynamically and by using effective advertising and promotional strategies organisations strengthen their businesses and products. Communication is considered as lifeblood of the organisation, which means without communication no organisation can survive. The communication process that is used by business organisations to market their products and services is known as marketing communication, organisations adopt effective communication strategies to endorse a product, service or organisation whit the objective to increase sale. In advertising and promotion organisations communicate message to relevant audience through various channels such as television, internet, radio, print (publications), and word of mouth. In today’s world marketing communication has significant impact on people’s life because it influences day to day life of people in different manner. The media of marketing communication use different ways to interact with people and influence their life through effective communication. The success of marketing communication depends on its ability to influence people buying behaviour through promotion and advertising. Organisations use marketing communication techniques to compete with competitors and reached to potential customers to sell their products and services (Madhavaram, Badrinarayanan, & McDonald, 2005). American Marketing Association define marketing as an organisational function, consists on different activities for creating, communicating, and delivering value to

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Music Since World War II, Concert Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music Since World War II, Concert Review - Essay Example There are many types and styles of music written since World War II, the only limit is the composer’s imagination. They are looking for different modes of expression. Composer Arnold Schoenberg experimented strange and unorthodox tonal schemes and harmonies. Bela Bartok, a Hungarian composer, combined the Twentieth Century forms with music of Hungarian peasants. Edgard Varese who belongs to the group of ‘Avant-garde’ experimented with the manipulation of rhythms. Igor Stranimsky, throughout his entire career made experiments with kaleidoscopic rhythms and instrumental colors. So it is very clear that composers since Second World War made lots of experiments with traditional instruments and modes of expression. Yet some of the greatest composers of the twentieth century, such as Giacomo Puccini, an Italian opera composer and Sergei Rachmaninoff, the Russian composer, followed traditional forms of music history. Music since World War II has seen several new and ecle ctic styles. Under the musical direction of David Currie, the Ottawa Orchestra presented a concert entitled ‘A French Connection’ comprising of the compositions of Pierre Merure, Steven Gellman and Camille Saint Saens. Pierre Merure discovered French music and developed an interest for orchestration which was very much visibly noticeable in his very first work ‘kaleidoscope’

Friday, September 6, 2019

Learning Team Reflection Essay Example for Free

Learning Team Reflection Essay Training Plan Implementing an effective training plan is necessary in order for a company to be successful. A structured training plan for Landslide Limousines will ensure employees are aware of the company’s objectives and goals. According to Bradley Stonefield, the training plan for Landslide Limousine will entail three key components a set of needs assessment, types of training methods, and training evaluations strategies. Training offers reliable information and skill to an employee about the company’s prospects and procedures. Properly trained employees contribute to a company’s achievement of goals and ultimate success. Each team member chose topics to evaluate and research effectively and apply there relevance towards the team discussion. Our first communication with Bradley Stonefield informed Atwood and Allen that he wishes to hire 25 employees and have a location in Austin, Texas. The second conversation with Mr. Stonefield led to information regarding the annual net revenue of negative $50,000 in his first year and a growth prediction of 5% over a couple of years. Most recently, Atwood and Allen has learned that Mr. Stonefield predicts that his annual employee turnover rate will be 10%, and his concern on cost for the training plan. The needs assessment constitutes several aspects revolving around the daily operations, individual employees, environment, organizational and demographical information of a business. Operational Analysis Designing an operational plan for the Landslide Limousine service determines the efficiency of various aspects within the small business operation. The  process usually begins with a period of observations, the group of individuals performing the analysis watches and takes detailed notes on a day-to-day operation of the limousine business in the initial stage. Logical reasoning methods assist in compiling the information used in the process with various mathematical models and statistical analysis. Operational analysis aims to determine whether each area of the organization is contributing effectively to overall performance and the furthering of company strategy. Using the operational analysis to ensure that the business Mr. Bradley wants to start should align appropriately with the company’s strategic plan. By examining the current performance of the operational portion of an investment, and then measuring that against an established set of performance parameters and goals, operational analysis within the business can reveal the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as any opportunities for improvement with the individuals he may want to hire for future employment. With all the detailed information our team gathered in order to best serve and provide the right information for this business, by conducting an operational analysis, this should seek to examine a number of functional areas within the business; including strategic planning, customer results, and business results, financial performance, and quality of innovation. Now, the objective process should principally be to reassess existing processes and determine how objectives improve, how costs minimized and even, on occasion, eliminating a task. Operational analysis can be a relatively simple process for the company and meaningful in assisting a new business venture. Through a few manageable steps in the process, Landslide Limousine needs to assess their productivity and possibly reallocate investments to ensure activities within the company are in line with the small business company’s strategy. Studies prove that establishing a schedule benefits the completion of the process. This process may outline the timeline and resources necessary for completing the operational analysis. Outline strategies and methods accordingly and adhere to them during the process. Collect information to provide key insights into actual performance in comparison with strategic planning and performance goals. Complete an analysis gap to identify and report performance, cost and benefits based on an analysis of the actual performance data. Demographic Analysis According to Bradley Stonefield, the demographic analysis that needs to be address is a specific population to describe the small business and its characteristics, such as income level, background checks, driving records, location and salaries. A demographic analysis is useful in a business plan, to describe the population where the business is located. Income level data is a good indicator of residents’ spending power. Income positively correlates with retail expenditures in many product categories. During market evaluation, retailers look at the median or average household income, and seek a minimum number of households within a certain income range prior to establishing a business or setting prices. Another common practice is to analyze the distribution of household incomes. Different businesses may avoid extremely high or low-income areas. Some specialty fashion stores target incomes above $100,000. Background checks often requested by employers for job candidates during e mployment screening, especially on candidates seeking a position that require high security or trust. Traditionally, background checks administered by a government agency for a nominal fee, but maybe administered by private companies. Background checks can be expensive depending on the information requested. Results of a background check typically include past employment verification, credit history, Driving history for a small business aspect and criminal history. Mr. Stonefield is interested in locating a limousine company within the Austin, TX area. A small business is unlikely to dominate any particular market in a city. However, strategic use of location-based marketing can make you a viral hit in your suburb or street and this may be all it takes to double the turnover in the limousine business. Location-based services can provide the company with information about how many people check in for a certain area or business, which has checked in most often and how many people have used an offer of this kind of service. This kind of information can be very useful in assessing the success of the company’s location-based marketing program. The average wage for a Limousine Driver is $12.85 per hour in the state of Texas in 2011. People in this job generally do not have more than 20 years’ experience. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down significantly for the few employees with more than 20 years experience. Limo drivers have limited career advancement  opportunities. Some acquire supervisory or management positions, while others train new drivers or receive preferred shifts. Moving into a dispatching or managerial role is another choice for experienced limo drivers. Organizational Analysis Organizational Analysis for this company is a means of measuring how the small business will do and how to identify ways to improve the company in order to ensure success into the future of the company. A strategic way in preparing this aspect is to use the SWOT analysis. This stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These factors make up the bulk of the way the study and be analyzed and can give a in great details a pretty good indication of how Landslide Limousine will do and how it could be expected to do move forward in the future in making profits. The results of the analysis will help Mr. Stonefield be able to make good decisions and improve any efficiencies while without making any major changes. Strengths within Landslide services are usually the starting point for this company. Internal/external factors should include a stable workforce, methods and simple strategies are a way to mainstream the total aspects of all local business within the area is which this is a key aspect. Weaknesses can come from all different locations and can be widespread. This may include aging facilities, possible inexperienced/unprofessional drivers, outdated equipment, purchasing of quality vehicles fleets, price/packages, and areas of specialties. Opportunities should include new market creations, consumer based locations, overhead, and debts. Now, threats could possibly take on another aspect within the business. These can range just from local communities services to government products/services to the rules and regulations. Individual Analysis Certain ideals manifest in behaviors of individual members and affect group dynamics. Task functions include behaviors such as identifying tasks, coordinating, clarifying and summarizing. Individual Analysis based off different levels and/or services provided by the limousine service help to decipher if business needs are met. This type of analysis can be based off a wide stream of studies in business. This specific analysis can have more disadvantages than advantages needed in order to find ways to being a  business. Learning how to work effectively in a group situation is the key to success in many professions in business. Learning key ways to get the business from crawl, walk, run phase is another way employees have the advantage of learning how the aspects of business work in the community. Environmental Analysis This analysis scan can help assist in understanding the broader context in which individuals are operating in. By investing time, identifying key trends and environmental factors to obtain information for small business within the regions in which we want to base our business and all the studies that are included. Some small businesses and organizations frequently choose to review the external factors in the process, but it is important to consider the internal environment factors. These may include looking at the organization’s internal capacities and resources, and projecting how to change in the future to meet the organization objectives. Another useful component to the analysis phase is to survey external customers in the local area and ensure all aspects of the locations are covered. Challenges observed and/or anticipated, or missed opportunities, and even basis such as how others described your individual work to get the process started may have a short-time or long-term effect. Environmental analysis uses a series of ranks and assessments in evaluating employee performance, customer satisfaction, and overhead coat are all similar factors during the first phase of the analysis. Training Methods Appropriate training is liable to have a positive or negative affect on important issues in business. How a company conducts, training is a critical decision that every business has to make consciously. All features involved in effective training should be considered, such as, time, cost, training environment, and training cost. The delivery of the training is pertinent. If the delivery of the information is confusing to employees, the training does not occur properly and is a waste of time, resources, and capital (Ongoing Training: A Method for Success, 2012). Various approaches to training are utilized and implemented. Types of Media Considering the impression Landslide Limousines anticipates on making, Atwood  and Allen Consulting recommends technology-based training. Technology-based learning may prove to be beneficial. Basic methods of learning through technology include interactive videos utilizing a computer in combination with a digital video (DVD). Web-based training programs or internet-streamed videos such as â€Å"YouTube† videos are increasing, popular tools among training methods. The aforementioned method is valuable in illustrating scenarios that the trainer would like to emphasize. These methods are conducive within a large group of people. Learning Principles When opting to use technology-based learning, companies must ensure accessibility for employees. Learning principles, considered laws of learning, are discovered, tested, and benefit practical situations (Naval education and Training, 2010). The trainer must possess the capability of applying the principles while instructing. Most importantly, the trainer needs to be clear on the objectives of the training, and relate it to the work environment. There are three types of learners: visual, hearing and hands-on. Atwood and Allen Consulting recommend that Landslide Limousine combine the training methods and perform more interactive learning experiences that will accommodate the three types of learners. Using what the military medicine has called for years â€Å"See one, do one, teach one† (Naval education and Training, 2010). The trainer will teach the skill so the employees can see it, then the employees will demonstrate their knowledge displaying their proficiency, finally the employee will teach a new employee. Those that teach, learn. Trainers will be inclined to become familiar with the material, recall it accurately, and apply it effectively. This method is cost effective in the sense that when there is a time one employee must carry out the tasks of another, therefore causing no interruptions in business. This method works best for companies that are just beginning. Training for learning skills or fact The required training conducted is for skill and fact. The training enhances knowledge of skills that enforce relevant facts, in reference to training. Effectiveness of Methods The effectiveness of the methods of instructions can be verified by how the employee perform their duties, by employee’s questionnaires and/or testing,  and by comments done by the trainers themselves (Naval Education and Training, 2010). The effectiveness of these methods displayed through the performance of the employees. Training Evaluation Strategies Evaluation on training is of utmost importance. Here is where a business learns of training that works versus training that is of no use to the organization. In order to evaluate specific training, addressing certain questions alleviate concerns of risk in that course of training. Potential questions are: Did the trainees learn a specific skill, knowledge or performance? Did change occur and was it related to the training? Are the changes positively reflecting in productivity and to achieving organization goals? Will these changes occur with a different set of trainees using the same training criteria? (Chapter 8, 2013) Typically, training is a trial and error system. What may work for one individual may not necessarily pertain to another type of learner. As mentioned previously, people learn in different manners. Some need visual aesthetics to increase their ability to comprehend the training. While others’ need a more tactile experience and participate in the training. This is not an entirely new concept and has developed over the last decade to include the use of technology to enhance learning. The same can be said for training and evaluation strategies. The idea behind training evaluation is to recognize the criteria of the training are met within the company. Using pretests to determine a suitable new hire reassures current employees that the individual grasps the goals and concepts of the business. An example of a pretest is as simple as an application, a resume or orientation. All of this information allows management to decipher an individual based on experiences. Once training is underway, management will monitor and observe the associates reactions and the trainer’s methods of approach. This segment is extremely important considering the trainer. If the trainer does not connect with the class or leads them astray and off topic, the training becomes worthless and consumes the organization’s time and money. The trainer’s obligation shall remain cost effective to the company and stay on task to complete the training in a time efficient manner. Aside from management monitoring and observing, feedback is equally important, and can  come from employees, supervisors, managers, and customers. Collecting feedback for an organization is conducted a number of ways. Suggestion boxes placed randomly around the business provide anonymous suggestions from individuals employed in the organization or from customers who believe change is necessary. Feedback is also collected verbally either in a group of employees or individual basis. Sending surveys to clients containing pertinent information to the limousine service allows them to feel connected to the business and builds trust. The implementation of the feedback is the most important aspect to changing the current operational standards of the business. Manager’s need to rise above the concept of â€Å"if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.† Business evolution is constant and technology increases daily allowing change to happen more frequently, and not because â€Å"it’s broken,† but because a new element has become known and can be a useful tool in training. References Email from Traci: Performance Management Plan. (2015). Retrieved from University of Phoenix: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/Materials/IP/curriculum/sb/HRM531/assignments/week5/intro.asp Naval education and Training. (2010). Personal Qualification Standards for Master Training Specialist. NAVEDTRA 43100-7C Ch. 1. Retrieved from Naval education and Training website Ongoing Training: A Method for Success. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.lctmag.com/operations/article/41017/ongoing-training-a-method-for-success http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes533041.htm http://education-portal.com/articles/Salary_and_Career_Info_for_a_Limo_Driver.html http://www.studymode.com/essays/Individual-Analysis-Of-Working-In-a-712116.html