
Saturday, December 7, 2013


SCHOOL OF SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF AGRIC-BUSINESS A Paper Submitted in partial(p) Fulfillment of the Course Requirement in the Course, Dairy trail and management (ANSC 442) PREPARED BY:STEVEN NGOMA.M ID: F007/200 LECTURER: Dr. P.C. Sianangama hesitancy: Under the following A. metabolic disorders B. Infection diseases C. Reproduction diseases write about the cause, diagnosis, symptoms, prevention and govern and treatments of Two diseases for each of the categories, A. B. and C. metabolic draw Fever Milk feverishness or separate paralysis is a metabolic disorder normally occurs almost calving time. The name draw fever is deceptive since the frighten does not have a fever. Incidence of milk fever is related to age. It is most common in sometime(a) high producing oxen while it rarely occurs in first-calf heifers. to the highest degree 75% of milk fever cases occur with 24 hours after(prenominal) calving and less t han 5% beyond 48 hours. awe having milk fever at one time are apt to repeat. Symptoms ecumenic symptoms * Loss of appetite. * Inactive digestive tract. * Cold ear and teetotal muzzle. Specific symptoms * In-coordination when walking * terrify may fall or recline down and unavailing to rise.
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This could happen in three stages; I. stand up plainly wobbly II. rectify on chest and drowsy III. Down on side and unresponsive Causes of milk fever Milk fever is likely to be caused by extra Ca drain from the blood into the milk at calving join with the unfit ness of the daunt to budge her metabolic p! rocess cursorily enough to keep blood Ca level up. The inability of the cow to change her Ca metabolism is likely caused by imbalances of Ca, P, and Mg and overload of K as it relates to cation-anion balance. The dairy cow gets Ca from two sources; mobilization from ram and absorption from the digestive tract. Calcium homeostasis in controlled by the parathyroid gland hormone. woeful blood Ca levels trigger its release. The hormones major(ip) effect is to mobilize Ca...If you want to get a total essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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